Pilot Project provides findings and advice on data sharing in development research

Launched just ahead of last year’s FORCE11 conference devoted to the utilisation of technological and open science advancements to communication of scholarship, the data sharing pilot project of Prof. Cameron Neylon, Centre for Culture and TechnologyCurtin University, Australia, and his collaborators has published its final outcomes days before FORCE2017.

The project made use of the innovative open science RIO Journal, which allows for the publication of various research outcomes and sorting them into dedicated collections. The collection, “Exploring the opportunities and challenges of implementing open research strategies within development institutions: A project of the International Development Research Center” now features the project’s grant proposal as approved by the IDRC, a review article, several data management plans and case studies, and the final report as a research article.

The pilot project looked into the current state and challenges of data management and sharing policies and practices, as shown by case studies of seven IDRC-funded development research projects.

Having worked with the projects selected from across a range of geographies, scales and subjects over the course of 16 months, the data sharing initiative began with an introduction to data management and sharing concepts, as well as helping the projects to develop their own data management plans. Then, they carefully monitored and observed the implementation of those plans.

Over the course of the project, it became apparent that simply developing and implementing funder policies is not enough to change research culture. The question of how funder policy and implementation could support culture change both within research communities and within the funder itself became the focus of the initiative.

Data management plans have become a mandatory part of grant submission for many funders. However, they are often not utilised by researchers or funders later in the project, becoming “at best neutral and likely counter productive in supporting change in research culture.”

While the pilot project managed to identify a number of significant bottlenecks within both research institutions and for grantees that impede efficient data sharing practices, including, expectedly, lack of resources and expertise, the researchers specifically point out issues related to structural issues at the funder level.

“The single most productive act to enhance policy implementation may be to empower and support Program Officers,” says the author.

“This could be achieved through training and support of individual POs, through the creation of a group of internal experts who can support others, or via provision of external support, for instance, by expanding the services provided by the pilot project into an ongoing support mechanism for both internal staff and grantees.”

Amongst the findings of the pilot project are also the importance of language barriers and the need for better suited data management platforms and tools.

Furthermore, the study identified a gap between the understanding of “data” amongst cultures, pointing out that the concept of data is “part of a western scientific discourse which may be both incompatible with other cultures, particularly indigenous knowledge systems.”

In conclusion, the research article outlines a set of recommendations for funders, particularly those with a focus on development, as well as recommendations specific to the IDRC.

Original source:

Neylon C (2017) Building a Culture of Data Sharing: Policy Design and Implementation for Research Data Management in Development Research. Research Ideas and Outcomes 3: e21773. https://doi.org/10.3897/rio.3.e21773

Roadmap: Global research data management advisory platform combines DMPTool and DMPonline

Roadmap, a global data management advisory platform that links data management plans (DMPs) to other components of the research lifecycle is a new open science initiative from partners at the University of California Curation Center (UC3) of the California Digital Library (CDL), USA, and the Digital Curation Centre (DCC), United Kingdom.

Both organizations sponsor and maintain such platforms, the DMPTool and DMPonline respectively. They allow researchers from around the world to create their data management plans in less time by employing ready-to-use templates with specific guidance tailored to address the requirements of specific funding agencies in the USA and the UK.

Recently, the proliferation of data sharing policies throughout the world has produced increasing demand for data management planning support from both organizations. Therefore, it makes sense for the CDL and DCC to consolidate efforts and move beyond a focus on national researchers and funders to extend their global outreach through Roadmap, a new open-source platform for data management planning. Their proposal was submitted to the Open Science Prize contest and is now published in the open access journal Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO).

While the two teams have been working together unofficially and engaging in international initiatives, a formal partnership would signal to the global research community that there is one place to create DMPs and find advisory information.

“Research data management (RDM) that enables open science is now acknowledged as a global challenge: research is global, policies are becoming global, and thus the need is global,” explain the authors. “Open science has a global agenda, and by making DMPs true infrastructure in a global open access community we will elevate research and open data for reuse.”

roadmap still

In their joint project, the two organizations will combine their experience along with all existing functionality from their tools regarding the DMP use case into a single technical platform.

“New work on our respective systems is already underway to enable internationalization, integrate with other organizations and technical platforms, and encourage greater openness with DMPs,” they explain. “By joining forces, the Roadmap system will consolidate these efforts and move beyond a narrow focus on specific funders in specific countries, and even beyond institutional boundaries, to create a framework for engaging with disciplinary communities directly.”

To facilitate data sharing, reuse, and discoverability, Roadmap will be integrated with a number of platforms such as the Open Science Framework, SHARE, the Crossref/Datacite DOI Event Tracking system and Zenodo, among others. “Linking systems and research outputs across the web increases the chances that data will be discovered, accessed, and (re)used,” note the authors.

The team’s plan for enhanced openness includes encouraging authors to share their newly created data management plans by setting their privacy on “public” by default. They also intend to assign digital object identifiers (DOIs) to all plans, thus making them citable and motivating their authors to make them openly accessible. As part of this initiative, five researchers have just published their DMPs, created with the DMPTool, in Research Ideas and Outcomes (RIO).

“We see greater potential for the DMP as a dynamic checklist for pre- and post-award reporting; a manifest of research products that can be linked with published outputs; and a record of data, from primary through processing stages, that could be passed to repositories,” state the authors. “The DMP will therefore not only support the management of the data but boost its discoverability and reuse.”


Original source:

Simms S, Jones S, Ashley K, Ribeiro M, Chodacki J, Abrams S, Strong M (2016) Roadmap: A Research Data Management Advisory Platform. Research Ideas and Outcomes 2: e8649. doi: 10.3897/rio.2.e8649